SVG Path Painter

A jQuery plugin that animates SVG paths in handdrawn style.

Prepare Your SVG

Paint Groups Of Paths

Wrap the paths you want to be painted in a group with the class "spp":

  <g class="spp">
    <path d="..." />
    <path d="..." />
    <path d="..." />
    <path d="..." />

Paint Specific Paths

To paint only specific paths, give these pass the class "spp":

    <path d="..." />
    <path class="spp" d="..." />
    <path class="spp" d="..." />
    <path class="spp" d="..." />

Use The Plugin

Paint on page load

Simply call $('#mySVG').SVGPathPainter(); to get your paths painted directly on page load.

Paint on custom call

Initialize the plugin with
mySVG = $('#mySVG').SVGPathPainter({ initialDelay: false });
to prevent initial painting.

When desired, call mySVG.SVGPathPainter('paint'); to paint the paths.

Attach plugin to several SVGs

Like most jQuery Plugins, you can also call this one with a selector matching more than one element, e.g.
$('#svg-1, #svg-2').SVGPathPainter();
This results in painting paths at the same time.

Path Delay and Speed

There are two options you can use to control the naturalness of the animation.

pathDelay (default: 50) defines the milliseconds of pause between the animation of two paths.
speed (default: 1.5) is a factor to slow down (or accelerate if < 1) the speed of a path being painted.

Compare the animation of the SVGs here. The first one uses defaults, the second one uses { pathDelay: 500, speed: 3.2 }.

Paint all paths simultaneously

To start painting all paths at the same time (instead of queued), pass the according option when initializing the plugin
$('#svg-1').SVGPathPainter( {simultaneous: true} );
Note that the speed of the animation here was set to 6 to make the visualization more traceable.
Also note that the animations start together, but take different time to finish, depending on path lengths.